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Mark Buhrke

A Labyrinth Walk - What to Expect

Approach the labyrinth with No expectations, and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised.

Sometimes I walk the labyrinth with the intention to receive something. I may be sitting with a question and would like some guidance or clarity on the answer. Other times I have the intention to offer the labyrinth my energies of that day. Energies that others can draw upon as they walk it in the future.

The labyrinth is an interesting tool, if you want to have it be a noun. It can also be an interesting process, if you want to have it be a verb. I approach it with Reverence and treat it as Sacred. I may go weeks without walking it and then I feel and hear the gentle pull of its energies drawing me in. I invite you to sit on the bench near the entrance, take a few deep breaths and feel, in that moment, whether you wish to receive or offer something during your time in the labyrinth. And be willing to experience both; giving and receiving.

Take a breath and see what your Higher Self, in that moment ,is offering you. What is your Higher Self leading you into?



Be Aware.

That's all.

Breathe in the present moment.

Allow whatever is in your consciousness in that moment to bubble up into your awareness.

Be Aware of the gift your Higher Self is giving you in that moment.

As you walk, be present with the moment. Remember there is one path in and one path out. Take your time. If you're drawn to stop on your way in and be present, allow yourself the time to stop. The labyrinth twists and turns. Sometimes you feel like you're almost to the middle and then the next turn takes you out towards the edges of it. Other times you may wish the journey was longer so you could savor in the energies. but your nearing the exit Just remember to:



Be Aware.

We intentionally allowed the grass and yes, weeds, to grow between the bricks that mark the path. The labyrinth is like life; sometimes full of weeds. Some people like to walk it barefoot as they connect with Mother Earth and connect with their Higher Self. Notice what you're drawn to do. Notice what you're noticing. Sometimes your mind may soften and quiet. Other times it may seem like the labyrinth is bringing up all of these thoughts and ideas and they're out of control. Whatever you notice, just notice it. Also notice if you're judging yourself for what you're noticing. It's All Good and there's no right or wrong way to walk it.

One day we had a friend walk the labyrinth and I noticed he wasn't following the path. He'd take a few steps along the path and then jump the bricks into a totally different path which may or may not have been actually leading him into the center. Who knew? I had the opportunity to see my judgment arise. "He's not doing it right. I need to go correct him." Well, he had the right and perfect experience for him and he shared that with us when he was finished. He received just what he needed in that moment, by the right and perfect way he walked that labyrinth that day. And I had a chance to increase my self-compassion for judging and accept that the Judge came up again. And I got to laugh a bit as I observed my own Judge, took a breath, and released the Judge and the judgments.



Be Aware.

And feel, truly allow yourself to feel what you're feeling in that moment. You may hear birds chirping or a dog bark or singing bowls, chimes, or drums being played.



Be Aware.

That's all you need to do as you walk.

And, if you aren't near us, please print off the picture and "walk" it using your finger. You'll be amazed at the energies and insights you'll receive.

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